Carl's Website

Knight Chess Piece Print

Computer Aided Drawing

In terms of using CAD softwares, I have opted to use Autodesk Fusion 360 for this chess piece.

Firstly, I imported a open source silhouette of a knight chess piece from the Internet.

Chess knight silhouette
Then I traced the image of the knight as 2 pieces, one being the horse itself and the other being the base.

Finally I extruded the 2 parts seperatly, with the top half being a symmetrical extrude and the bottom half as a revolve.

An interactive version of the chess piece can be viewed below:


For school based printing, I have used the Ultimaker 2+ provided in school, and Tevo Tarantula printer at home.

Chess piece in cura
Inside Cura, the chess piece was scaled to 35mm height and the rest is scaled proportionally.

Ultimaker 2+

The slicer program I have used is Ultimaker Cura 4.11.0.
With the Ultimaker 2+, I did a quick print of the aformentioned chess piece.
Settings used on Ultimaker 2+ for chess piece:

  • Layer Height: 0.4

  • Infill Density: 8%

  • Support Type: Tree

  • Build Plate Support: Brim

  • Print Time: 10 Mins

  • Tevo Tarantula

    I have reprinted the chess piece with the Tevo as I wanted a smoother finishing for the chess piece. I have alted the settings for it for a nice print finish.
    Settings used on Tevo Tarantula for chess piece:

  • Layer Height: 0.1

  • Infill Density: 8%

  • Support Type: Tree

  • Build Plate Support: Brim

  • Print Time: 45 Mins

  • Printing

    Time lapse was taken on the Tevo Tarantula printer.

    Finished product